Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
            Good morning everyone. Firstly, i would like to give a thanks to the almighty Allah. Because of His mercies and blessings, we can assemble here in a well condition. Secondly, sholawat and salam may it be award to the great prophet and the great mesengger Muhammad saw. who has been guiding us from the darkness into the lightness, it is a moslem. And the third, i would like to thanks to Mr. Wahed, for the time that he has gave to me.
            In this nice occation, i would like to deliver my opinion about our nationality has been down because some aspects.
            In my opinion i do agree that our nationality has been down because some aspects. Because, as we can see, a lot of teenagers nowadays do not care with their nation anymore. Some of them even hate to be indonesian. Well, at this nice opportunity, i would like to describe why their nationality has been down.
            For the first, i think it’s because of the globalization. Well, we can’t deny it, that we can’t reject globalization. But, even so, we should filter it first before we use it. Because not all the globalization is good. When someone can’t filter it well, i think, their nationality will be down little by little. For the worst, they will hate to be Indonesian because of misuse of globalization.
            For the second, i think the cause of the nationality goes down is because when they were children, they did not get building character well. As we know, children is a golden age. When we foster something to them, they’ll remember it for long enough. Well, the probem is, when they did not get the character building enough, they’ll be an adult who doest care about their nation.
            For the third, perhaps, they were a fanatic of something that goes from overseas. When someone adore on something, they’ll be proud of it as long as they are a fans. It’s fine as long as it doesn’t bother his or her nationality. But sometimes, it bother alot. Because sometime, they think indonesia has a low quality on every aspect. Well, we should admit it that it is true.  But what makes it a problem is they are very underestimate Indonesia’s potential.
            Well, i think that’s all that i could tell you.  I’m sure that there’s still alot of aspect that i haven’t describe yet. But i think all of that is the point of my opinion. Well, I think it’s enough for today. I would like to apologize if there is any mistakes, whether it’s deliberately or not.Well, ake care of your selves, good luck and have a nice day! Last word,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


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